Revegetation began in 2019. Bareroot trees and shrubs, as well as a diverse array of native herbaceous species will help stabilize the creek banks and create wildlife habitat.

A new pedestrian bridge connects upgraded trails in Fanno Creek Park. The new bridge is higher than the old one, which constrained the creek and sometimes flooded the trail.

In the heart of Tigard, the remeandered creek and floodplain are easily accessible to park-goers.

Ash-to-Main is the latest of many ecologically enhanced segments of Fanno Creek, one of Washington County’s most urban waterways.

The Ash-to-Main project uses highly effective revegetation tactics, including soil lifts, custom native seed blends, and bareroot trees and shrubs.

Fanno Creek, once a symbol of urban pollution, has become a popular walking, running and biking destination.